
IMG_8880If you have a slightly quirky sense of humour, then you notice oddities, strange juxtapositions, and the absurdities of everyday life. Most of it unintended.

I remember a sign that I spotted in a shoe shop window many years ago  that said: ‘buy one, get one free’. It was a sale offering two pairs of shoes for the price of one pair, but I saw the unintended absurdity implied in a literal interpretation of the slogan of buying a shoe and getting the other one of the pair free. The omission of the word ‘Pair’ had made all the difference.

DSC_3556_WPAnd so to today’s picture. I was attracted by the juxtaposition of the sign, which remains from a long-gone era when this was perhaps a store selling decorating materials, and the adjacent window frame, much in need of a coat of paint. This was taken in Paddington, London where I was waiting to meet up with my son to hear Don McCullin (the world-famous war photographer) talking about his life as a photographer. What I hadn’t realized at the time I took this image was that it was on the side of the building that housed the Frontline club where the event was held. It was a superb evening.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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10 Responses to Juxtaposition

  1. Sue says:

    Hearing Don McCullin speak must have been a great experience- he is one of the photographers I most admire… And I like the juxtaposition, appeals to me sense of humour!


  2. Chillbrook says:

    These certainly made me smile Andy. I can imagine that the evening with Don McCullin was fascinating and absorbing. I wish I’d been there.


  3. Sallyann says:

    I like both pictures here, little smiles, just waiting to be seen. 😊


  4. shoreacres says:

    Paddington? Like, Paddington Station? Paddington Bear? I know it’s unbelievable, but I had no idea who Paddington Bear was, until a friend dragged me to the movie. Now, every time I hear that name, I remember that little guy sitting in the station…

    Taking words literally can lead to every sort of wonderful word play, as it did with the shoes. And I did laugh to see that “Paints” sign next to the window that so badly needed painting. Odd juxtapositions are often the heart of humor — even in photographs.


    • LensScaper says:

      Yes, Paddington as in Bear. A mile or two north west of the main West End (shopping centre) of London. Not somewhere I often visit, but new areas bring new surprises and new opportunities.


  5. sixpixx says:

    Haha, who enjoys a busman’s holiday! Well seen.


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