Visiting the Museum

Something different today – images that are ‘people-centric’ – not the type of image I normally take.  But, in keeping with my philosophy of always carrying a camera, on this visit I captured images that I would really have kicked myself for missing if I hadn’t pocketed my Canon G10 for the day.

These are from the superb Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford. A vast treasure trove of artefacts from bygone centuries and millennia. Well worth visiting but you will need a full day, or more, to do the collection justice. And it’s free! It’s refreshing to visit a museum where it is possible to take photographs without being accosted and commanded to stop.

I said 'Look Left, not Look Right' - click to enlarge

I saw subtle unintended humour in the first image (above). The arm of the commanding statue (I forgot to notice who this depicts) points to the Left, but all the heads of the visitors are looking Right.

Passing over - click to enlarge

Next, I noticed the elevated walkway that crossed the high-ceilinged opening gallery, and a guided party hove into view. I liked the idea of including the writing on the front of the central stand announcing ‘Travel in the Ancient World’ juxtaposed with the silhouetted travelers of today’s world, (crossing overhead): the last of which looked as if he was, quite by chance, also of advancing years.

The red jacket - click to enlarge

Finally in the basement I spied a lonely red jacket in the cloakroom in an area unusually bathed in light.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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8 Responses to Visiting the Museum

  1. Len Saltiel says:

    Nice series of images Andy. I like the middle one in particular with the walkway.


  2. Dave DiCello says:

    Really cool set of shots here man. I’m with Len, I like that middle shot, though the coat room one is great as well.


  3. ken bello says:

    This is a really very nice series, Andy. And all in available light. I doubt if you could do any better with a fancy DSLR!


  4. Nice series andy. I love the first one…the crowd is just not listening!


  5. Marc says:

    Nice shots with your G10. I have a G12 which I always carry with me for reasons like you mention.
    Great spot with that walkway, perfectly composed.


  6. Adam Allegro says:

    Great images!! I like the “Cloakroom” shot! Well done!


  7. Rick says:

    Great eye! I really like the passing over shot. It reminds me of the drawing that shows man evolving from monkeys.


  8. Jimi Jones says:

    I’m a big museum fan and this is a nice series of images, Andy. Love that “Passing Over” shot. Nice work.


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