
A quick Post and run today.

I’ve walked past these metal seats a number of times and not really spotted a good way of capturing them. Why not? Frankly I don’t know – sometimes the obvious eludes us – There’s a phrase: ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’.

There was a choice to be made here: stand tall and have a untidy distant horizon intruding above the straight nearby banked edge. But had the benefit of separating the top of the seating from that edge. Or squat down and gain a better, lower viewpoint of the seating, lose the distant untidy horizon, but risk the issues associated with the top of the seating lining up with the top of the nearby banked edge.

I chose the second option. Colour didn’t add hugely to the image that was essentially about the bright glint of metal. So B&W was the medium for this with added contrast, a bit of grain and a touch of noise.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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11 Responses to Seating

  1. smackedpentax says:

    Works for me! really simple, really nice…something about the perspective but I can’t put my finger on it. Anyway it is great in b/w…I do like it!


  2. Mark says:

    Works well, looks good in B&W too.


  3. oneowner says:

    The curve of the walkway and the vertical lines of the trees give this composition character. I love the way these metal benches seem to glow in the light.


  4. seekraz says:

    I like your treatment of the scene, Andy…well done. I had similar thoughts with that recent post of mine with the park bench and the snow…while there was no horizon to match-up with the tops of the benches, there were plenty of visual distractions with the other elements of the park being in the background…and those benches that kept asking to have their photos taken….


  5. I think you made the right choice Andy. I like the low pov, and the simplicity of the clean horizon line.


  6. ehpem says:

    Somehow I missed this post, but am glad to have found it via Toad’s weekly roundup at Lightstalking. A classic shot of benches but the background really makes it quite different. I love the light on the metal 🙂


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