The Dove of Hope and Peace

A very Happy New Year to you all.

Traditionally the Dove has been a sign of Hope and Peace, and by extrapolation it seems an appropriate symbol for a New Year. And that’s why a chose this image for today’s post.

Window detail, Saas Fee church - click to enlarge

But I have to confess I feel rather ambivalent about the year ahead, and I don’t imagine I’m the only one.

Hope is tempered by anxiety about economic uncertainties. Headlines are all about Zero Growth, Austerity, The Eurozone Crisis, Double Dip Recession, Rising Unemployment etc etc

And Peace feels a fragile concept in a world plagued with unresolved conflicts, and where random acts of unspeakable violence are exported and perpetrated on the innocent.

Somehow amidst all this we have to strive to be cup-half-full, rather than cup-half-empty in our approach to life and the difficulties we may have to face individually and collectively.

We all need a counter-balance – something that is both a distraction and a source of pleasure. And that, for me, is photography.

Cecil B DeMille said: ‘Creativity is a drug I cannot live without’.

I know what Cecil meant, and if you’re a photographer like me you’ll know too. Photography is all about Creativity. It’s a ‘drug’ that will lift our spirits and brighten our days. It’s the light in life. As a photographer, finding new images and refining them on the computer back home always excites me. Being ‘creative’ is my counter-balance.

And the good news is that in the digital age once we have the hardware and the software the ongoing costs of shooting pictures are minimal. This ‘drug’ is free and harmless!

So I wish you all a fantastic Creative year! Keep those creative juices flowing and banish the Blues! Keep blogging. I look forward to seeing and enjoying examples of your Creativity, and I’ll share mine. Together we’ll get our daily ‘fix’ of this powerful drug.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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2 Responses to The Dove of Hope and Peace

  1. murphyz says:

    I find this hobby expensive enough what with all of the new equipment and software I end up buying…I very happy we’re in the digital age and don’t need to pay for new rolls of film on top of it all 🙂

    Thanks for your support in 2011, and all the best for 2012.


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