The Olympic Rings

It seems rather unpatriotic not to post an image of the London Olympics now reaching the end of their first week.

So here is an image of the Olympic Rings that hang under the vast canopy of St Pancras International Station that I saw a month ago as London was gearing itself up for the games.

Seen from this POV, it is actually the back of the rings that is pictured and from this angle there was little significant colour in the original RAW image. So I converted to B&W, solarized the image and then posterized it as well to draw out as much contrast as I could.

It’s not often that I manage to handhold a shot on the G10 and get all the relevant lines straight and the symmetry precisely right. But in this instance I can honestly say there has been no crop and no lens correction required. If only things were always that simple!

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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23 Responses to The Olympic Rings

  1. travelwyse says:

    Reblogged this on travelwyse.


    • LensScaper says:

      All material on my site is protected by copyright – there is a clear notice in the sidebar that informs you of that. You do not have my permission to re-blog my posts. Would you please respect my copyright. Please ask first, and allow me to give or withhold consent


  2. rigmover says:

    You did very well, great contrast between the rings and lines.


  3. andybeel says:

    Hi Andy Posterizing and Solarizing sounds very technical – thanks for sharing. Andy


  4. Jan Winther says:

    You know what they say, “When in London…” or is that Paris… Anyway, with the Olympics in London, you almost have to shot something related to the event because they most likely wont be back again for a looong time. Great shot.


  5. This looks fantastic in B&W Andy. Nice work.


  6. oneowner says:

    Beautiful dram you added with the post processing. I’ve seen some solarized and posterized images that get too blown out, but there is a wealth of detail here. Nice work.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Ken. Yes, the techniques don’t always work in every shot. Photoshop makes life very easy sometimes: try something and undo it if it doesn’t work. At lot easier than when you and I were trying things out in the darkroom.


  7. Len says:

    The lines and tones in this image are simply wonderful Andy. One of your best!


  8. I was wondering when you were going to post an Olympic shot. Wonderful choice converting this to B&W. I find images such as these are really enhanced in B&W which allows the viewer to take in all the wonderful lines and details. Great job.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks so much Edith. This has certainly gained from the conversion to B&W. The real bonus was how solarization has enabled the rings to really shine. The process can be a bit hit and miss, but it worked this time.


  9. thierryjan says:

    Woah , Beautifull pictures … I love it ! I follow you 🙂


  10. Marcie says:

    These rings are terrific! Such a wonderful symbol of international sportsmanship!


  11. Marc says:

    Nice image Andy. I wish I was back in my old hometown for the Olympics! I’ve got really caught up in it and am loving the coverage (and medals) so far.


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