June through a Mirror

Whatever happened to Flaming June, as we call it over here. It’s gone AWOL! I recall saying jokingly to friends in March, when we had an extraordinary spell of warm dry and settled weather – ‘This is our Summer’. The unfortunate truth is we haven’t seen a significant spell of dry settled weather since, as depression after depression has roared in off the Atlantic. One heads north, the next heads south. The ends of the country have taken it in turns to get a soaking accompanied by unseasonally high winds. Living in the middle of the country (and on a hill) as we do has some benefits: bad weather blows around us or loses some of its force by the time it reaches us. But we, and our garden, are still battered and bruised – except of course for the weeds that flourish and lap up the rain.

So I have nothing to show you from our garden in June this year, but thanks to an efficient filing system I can go to the exact same week a year ago and see what we are missing. Then I don’t know what to do: feel even more miserable, or cheered up by what I captured previously.

So – four images from our garden taken in June 2011 and 2010, all shot with my 500mm Mirror Lens (750mm film equiv). For those not familiar with Mirror Lenses and wanting to know a little more about them click the link that follows: ‘Mirroring Autumn’

Long telephoto lenses are normally used for bringing the distant image closer. But used up-close (and mine focuses down to 6ft) they produce some unusual and atmospheric images although the depth of field in such a long lens is extremely narrow and focusing is tricky.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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13 Responses to June through a Mirror

  1. Len says:

    Sorry to hear about your horrid weather Andy. The fact that you have a great archive does make it a bit better but I know you would rather be shooting than looking for oldies but goodies.


  2. Hope it warms up soon Andy. Lovely series of images though.


  3. jimdenham says:

    Hope you guys get some rain and relief soon! Beauty pics from last year, though!


    • jimdenham says:

      Sorry, I misread. Hope it dries up a bit and the garden can enjoy some decent growth! The pics are still good!


      • LensScaper says:

        Thanks Jim. You had me scratching my head with the first comment. No rain today – Hurrah! Glad you like the images. END



  4. oneowner says:

    Sorry about the weather but these photos from the archive are just beautiful no matter what year they were taken. Shots like this are timeless.
    I had a 500 mirror lens many years ago but, because I didn’t have a decent tripod, could never get good, sharp shots from it. Remember, in those days I was shooting Kodachrome 64. I traded it for who knows what but I wish now that I hadn’t.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks very much for that, Ken. I’ve had my Tamron Mirror lens for about 25yrs but I got fed up using it in the film era because I got such disappointing results. Getting the exposure right was always tricky (and usually wrong) and focusing was difficult to get right. I gave up. Now in the digital I can take a ‘test’ shot and adjust the exposure until I am happy with it. Focusing is still quite difficult despite a heavy sturdy tripod. But the results are worth it when I occasionally use it.


  5. Sorry that your weather hasn’t cooperated so far this year, but hopefully you’ll be rewarded with warm temps and great skies the rest of the way. And great shots from the archive today.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Steven. Bizarrely, having complained of the weather, today has been a warm dry day and there may be a change coming. Perhaps I should have complained on-line earlier, but I didn’t think anyone was listening!


  6. Great images, Andy!
    The weather is absolutely bonkers, and the plants don’t seem to know which way to go – everything here in North Wales is on a growth spurt!


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