That Field – Again

Regular visitors and subscribers to this blog will know that there is a certain field that has featured on four previous occasions as I have watched it change with the seasons. The most recent post was in July of this year shortly before harvest (click here to view). I’ve been back again, about 10 days ago.

By early September of last year this field was already ploughed up revealing a rather subdued palette of colours. Here’s the image to refresh your memories.


My most recent visit caught the field with the stubble, after the Wheat had been harvested, still in place showing a subtle mix of gold and grey – grey being the result of the chalky soil of this area showing through.

_DS80829I was dubious about the light, it was fleeting and I’m not the most patient of men (and my wife had stayed back in the car park on this occasion) so I was fidgeting and thinking: ‘how much longer can I hang about?’ when I spotted another patch of light moving across the fields and its trajectory looked promising. Suddenly the field came alive. It didn’t last long, the light drifted silently by and the field became subdued once more, but for a couple of minutes it wore a broad smile and so did I.


About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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22 Responses to That Field – Again

  1. Val says:

    I really like the first photo, that thin stripe of colour across a grey field really appeals and stands out to me!


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks so much for your comment, Val. Of all the images I’ve taken of that field, that is the one that particularly appeals to me – and it’s all because of that remnant of a fence line.


  2. John Linn says:

    Really interesting texture and colors in those ploughed-up fields. You have captured them well.


    • LensScaper says:

      The subsoil here is chalk, which shows through and that is what provides the distinctive greyish colour. And these fields have such a gentle undulation to them. Thanks for your comment, John.


  3. oneowner says:

    Your end result was surely worth the wait.


  4. Chillbrook says:

    I can see why you are so drawn to this field Andy. This is another beautiful picture. The colours are fabulous!


    • LensScaper says:

      It’s strange how a simple field can exert such a strong ‘pull’, when the majority of the population who visit this place probably don’t give it a second glance. The colours were really rather special this time. Thanks Adrian.


  5. shoreacres says:

    That first photo is just scrumptious. I like the contrast between the parallel lines in the upper half and the diamond pattern in the bottom. I have an old Clarke’s Cricklite fairy lamp in the diamond point pattern, and the similarities between the patterns of the lamp and the field are remarkable.

    Between the other two, I can’t choose. The movement of the light is delightful, and the color is so unusual. You say there’s a chalk substrate. Would that be chalk, as in the white cliffs of Dover? I just learned this weekend that the old/poetic name for Britain — Albion — may be rooted in those cliffs, and their color.


    • LensScaper says:

      Hi Linda. Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, it’s chalk as in the white cliffs of Dover. The Chiltern Hills are one of many areas of chalk downlands in SE England. When I was about six years old and living in Hertfordshire (the south side of the Chiltern Hills, towards London), our road was dug up for the properties to be collected to the main sewer, and I was so surprised to see that under the foot or two of top soil, the ground turned white!


  6. Fantastic photos Andy. I love how you’ve focused on the small cluster of trees. It really changes the image. Textures and colours are superb 🙂


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Norma. It was that remnant of stunted trees in an old fence line that drew my eye in the first time I spotted this field. And it’s been the focal point really for all the shots since. So many of these old fence lines are being dug out by farmers to create larger fields to make farming easier. I’m always slightly nervous that one day I will find this fence line missing. That will be a sad day.


  7. I enjoy your return visits to this field!

    I am trying to slow down and be a more observant photographer; it doesn’t feel very natural, yet, but I suspect it will, if I keep trying. Your post today is a good reminder about being patient and waiting for the light.


  8. Meanderer says:

    I loved the first image when I saw it the first time. I also love the second image. What a special place. I can see why you are drawn to it; I would be, too. We are on chalk here too but I can’t remember seeing so much of it showing in the ploughed fields. Perhaps I haven’t been is such an elevated position.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Meanderer.The chalk does seem to be very close to the surface here. In other areas if there is a foot or two of top soil, you’re just not going to know there is chalk there unless you read about the geology of that area.


  9. Gorgeous. So glad you went back again. I trust this isn’t the last we’ll see of this spot, either.


  10. There’s a strong touch of the abstract at work here, Andy, what a great feature you’ve put together here my friend!


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Toad. This landscape is almost minimalistic. Just a partial hedge line and a furrowed, or lined field to either side. And yet it continues to fascinate me by the changing colours that infuse this very simple image.


  11. Len says:

    No matter how many times that you visit, you always seem to get a great shot Andy. I just love the minimalist composition.


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