On a Swing

Today’s post might properly be subtitled: ‘On a Swing – The Bizarre and the Beautiful’.

First, the Bizarre. Visiting Charlecote Park recently (a National Trust property) my wife spotted ‘something’ dangling in the air.

Closer inspection revealed it was a sculpted beastie of some sort with a pointed snout, large flappy ears and a long tail, sitting on a seat tethered apparently in the middle of a swing. Just suspended there. Quite crudely cast but if it could talk one could imagine it swinging through the air shouting ‘Yippee!’

For the Beautiful, we go back to the Woburn ArtBeat outdoor sculpture exhibition and specifically the superb work of Jonathan Wylder. I posted an image of a simply gorgeous sculpture by him entitled ‘Anna’ earlier this year in ‘Woburn Outdoor Sculptures’. Or click here to see the image alone. Elsewhere in the gardens, on a re-visit, I found another of Jonathan’s sculptures – instantly recognizable as one of his, entitled ‘Jasmine on a Swing’.

I struggled to get an image of this that really did the sculpture justice. It was not very well placed with photography in mind and there were really only two ways to shoot it and both involved some fairly major cloning to remove some distracting background detail. Hopefully you can’t see the retouching.

I like both of these ‘takes’ equally although I wish there had been one that gave that feel of flying with both a good perspective and a non-obtrusive background. Do let me know your thoughts on these.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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12 Responses to On a Swing

  1. I see what you mean about ‘Jasmine’ – the second image seems to have more movement, but the background does intrude somewhat, so it’s the first image that does it for me.
    As for the ‘bizzare’ subject, the feeling of pure joy made me smile!


  2. oneowner says:

    The creature is a bit bizarre for my tast but the girl on the swing is really nice. You did an amazing job with the retouching, too.


  3. The girl on the swing is a beautiful piece of art. The top one i like too…looks like a rat. Terrific finds though.


  4. rigmover says:

    Great shots Andy, that first one is very strange but cool.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Mark – I suspect a lot of folk miss that first image. I hadn’t spotted it until my wife pointed it out, and of course fewer still would have bothered capturing it. It just made me laugh. Something so bizarre, almost child-like.


  5. Marcie says:

    Oh..I just love this sculpture of Anna on her swing!! And – the one with the strange dog-like creature? So bizarre…..


  6. ehpem says:

    I can’t see any signs of cloning, but maybe I am not looking closely enough. I have to vote for the grass background though its possibly not the best point of view. Maybe someone can convince the owner of that building to paint it a nice dark colour, then with a shallow depth of field it could be a great backdrop. Surely that is not asking too much?

    I think I like the rat the best – Jasmine suffers and absence of joy and perhaps too much contemplation, even for an adult swinging, and is otherwise a bit stiff in execution. The rat on the other hand is oozing the “happy” which I associate with swings. Though I would have been tempted to cloned out the cable coming to the ears which is pretty distracting. The Jasmine dress configuration to get around the need for such a cable is very clever.


  7. I love both of those sculptures. Completely different but so clever and whimsical. 🙂


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