The Theodul Pass Zermatt

A foggy frosty morning here in the UK, and a very cold misty day high above Zermatt at the Theodul Pass when this image was taken last winter. Theodul is on the Swiss-Italian border and an important link between the Zermatt and the Cervinia ski areas.


From this viewpoint the Matterhorn’s profile is significantly different from the classic view we are all familiar with when viewed from Zermatt.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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19 Responses to The Theodul Pass Zermatt

  1. oneowner says:

    Great shot, Andy. Perfect in monotone.


  2. Very cool image. Your choice to use monochrome is perfect. N-ice job. 🙂


  3. Wow what a view! Great image Andy. I like the black / white.


  4. smackedpentax says:

    What a stunning view! and a superb photo too!


  5. Mark says:

    Very cool shot Andy, great in B&W


  6. seekraz says:

    Different perspective, yes, but still a beautiful shot, Andy…I do enjoy the skiers in the photo, too…we are so small in the grandness of it all….


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Scott. Throughout my life I have always felt that photography underplays the size of mountains. The Matterhorn is an ever-present feature in the Zermatt area – it dominates in a dramatic way.


      • seekraz says:

        You’re welcome, Andy…and do you think that’s done intentionally to minimize their presence or because it’s a failing of the photographers’ ability to capture them complete because of their vast size? I’m not sure I understand your angle..but I do comprehend how a particular mountain can dominate an area, my local reference being Sundial Peak and the prominence it plays in photographing Lake Blanche and the other Sister Lakes in the area….


        • LensScaper says:

          My point really is that although photography can squeeze a huge mountain into a frame by employing a wide-angle lens, it can never convey the immensity that we see by craning and turning out necks to take it all in.


          • seekraz says:

            Excellent point, too…it’s all just waaay too big. We can admire a mountain in a photograph, but we can only be humbled by it and in true awe of it when we are standing beneath it or scrambling up its sides….


  7. ehpem says:

    Great image! I love that fence all curved to fling errant skiers back on course.


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