
For much of the past two weeks I have been almost glued to my seat as a superb Olympic Games unfolded in London and at other venues the length and breadth of the UK. Team GB surpassed themselves in their medal haul. And now it’s all over and in one sense I feel lost. But also there is a horrendous backlog of things to do that just had to wait and now have to be tackled.

Even the camera sat upstairs untouched and unloved – until yesterday. In the evening one of those wonderful early evening skies caught my eye.

Clumps of cotton wool cloud (that’s the best I can do technically) covered the sky and were lit by a sun low on the horizon. I was out there, vaulting the fence to get a clear view, wide angle lens fixed. All other ideas for today’s post were abandoned. Sometimes nature just puts on a show that shouts ‘Pick Me’.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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15 Responses to Eventide

  1. rigmover says:

    Great shot, as I looked at this on my iPad it tried something, I turned it upside down, check it out, looks like foam on a lake or something like that.


  2. Nice shot, Andy.

    Sat my desk, I’m resisting the impulse to do a head stand!!


  3. Great clouds! You might want to create a group in your library just for shots like this. You can always use them for sky replacement on the more drab days.


  4. Those clouds are awesome. Great capture Andy.


  5. oneowner says:

    A gold medal shot if ever I saw one!


  6. Cotton wool clouds is such a perfect description. Great shot.


  7. seekraz says:

    Beautiful photo, Andy…glad you got off the couch. 🙂


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