A walk in the woods

There’s something special about being lost (in a photographic sense) in a wood. I enjoyed that experience just a week ago. It’s quite some time since I last did that.

All I could hear was the distant sound of traffic, but when I became ‘tuned in’ to the search for images I forgot about that, my brain has learnt to tune those sounds out. Even the birds were quiet – it was early afternoon on a hot day. Perhaps they had sung enough and were saving their breath for the evening.

There are broad paths and narrow paths through this woodland. The bracken  is now, in places, head high.

This is Buchan Country Park, just a fifteen minute drive from home. A large area of mixed woodland, dense in places, more open in other areas. With the welcome addition of two lakes.

A small grove of Silver Birches caught my attention. An image that I knew, when it was shot, would go straight into Silver Efex back home for a conversion to monochrome.

A scattering of Pines meant I switched from my 18-250mm Zoom (27-375mm in real terms) to my ultra wide Tokina to look up, and just I was pressing the shutter a bird crossed the sky. A moment of serendipity.

And then to the water.

Fishermen fish, water lilies grow, and the water ripples in the shallows. An opportunity for something a little different.

Ninety minutes of gentle walking, a healthy collection of images and I feel refreshed, rejuvenated.

We all need moments like this. Time on our own, with no pressure, camera in hand, walking at a leisurely pace, reciting the mantra: ‘Where’s the picture’. The pictures come, they are always out there waiting for us. When we tune out the world, we tune in to our inner creative hearts.


About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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29 Responses to A walk in the woods

  1. Dina says:

    I too feel refreshed, rejuvenated now after this walk in your woodlands. The last image is my favourite, light and shadow, colour and contrast and the sheltering impression are just perfect.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend! 🙂


  2. Meanderer says:

    Lovely. I feel much cooler now; thank you 🙂


    • LensScaper says:

      Thank you Meanderer. Cool is what we need. No end in sight to the current heart wave

      Liked by 1 person

      • Meanderer says:

        Apparently – according to the long-range forecast – it could last all through July and August.


        • LensScaper says:

          Much as I love the sun and good weather, the garden will be dead if that happens, and when the weather changes, the rain won’t know when to stop!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Meanderer says:

            A farmer round here told a garden centre assistant that he thinks it’s going to be like the Summer of 1976. Our garden is suffering and the water butts have run dry. I do wish the weather forecasters weren’t so jolly. Hot dry weather isn’t good in the long run!


            • LensScaper says:

              I remember the summer of 76, our daughter was just two years old and I was in my first year as a fully qualified GP. Fans were running overtime to keep the medical centre cool for all of us – patients, doctors and staff. It certainly is beginning to feel like 76 and the plants are suffering.

              Liked by 1 person

  3. Sue says:

    Like Dina, I too, feel refreshed, Andy! And I agree with your last para sentiments….


  4. ShimonZ says:

    Beautiful images, Andy, and the walk sounds very good. Have a nice weekend.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks very much Shimon. It it a lovely area of woodland. Each time I go there I seem to find a different path, and because of the size of the area, it swallows up people so that you seldom meet someone else. Very tranquil.


  5. Thanks for showing us where the pictures are, Andy. This is a lovely collection.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Linda. This is becoming one of my favourite local places for a walk. There are main routes, colour coded on finger posts, but there are a lot more narrow trails (like back streets in a city) where you find denser woodland and can feel pleasantly ‘lost’. Lovely place on a hot day, the woodland id delightfully cool.


  6. shoreacres says:

    Nothing delights me more than the multiple shades of green in spring, and you’ve captured them wonderfully well. The play of sunlight and shadow delights, and that certain silence can seep into the bones, to strengthen them. Now, summer heat has arrived here, and our greens are fading, which makes seeing yours even more pleasurable.


  7. seekraz says:

    Excellent post, Andy…and yes, it’s something that we all need. It’s remarkable how refreshing it is to get away for even that 90 minutes when it can be spent in such a lush and comforting place.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Scott. Refreshing to be able to block out this increasingly crazy, unstable world we live in, and celebrate nature. We are on the same page in that regard.


  8. Fabulous gallery – great variety and I like how you went B&W with some photos. Well done. 🙂


  9. bluebrightly says:

    Absolutely true, we all need that lost-in-the-beauty-of-the-woods experience. I don’t know if we even need to ask where the picture is – it will come. These are wonderful – I love the tall trees with that single bird, and of course, the ferns’ complex chiaroscuro of light and dark. Our bracken gets really tall too. I like the bark, the water, the variety, all very life-affirming.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thank you so much Lynn. One of the great delights of this part of Southern England is the extent of woodland. Over the last weekend we were driving through mile over mile of it, the branches reaching over the road (what my father used to call being ‘under heaven’). The light was flickering through the trees constantly and the colours of the foliage were a delight to see. When you find woodland that has variety and water within it then the potential for images goes up a level.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Heide says:

    Gorgeous images, Andy! I felt as it I’d been there with you … just extraordinary. I’m bookmarking this post for next winter, when my eyes will be desperate for these lovely shades of green.


  11. alan frost says:

    A lovely set of images Andy. At this time of year and in this heat, I struggle to be inspired but I must just head off to the woods now……


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