Chrome Horn

_ds86501Always a pleasant surprise when you see something unusual in an ordinary place. I spotted this in the Plants Shop at Nymans (National Trust property in W Sussex). There are several of these chrome horns, of different sizes, each  in the centre of a plant display.

Each time I visit Nymans (and we’ve been there several times in the last year), to look around the excellent gardens, the Horns grab my attention the moment I pass through the entrance. And each time I see a slightly different reflection. Do you see the face? Two eyes and a widely stretched mouth.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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15 Responses to Chrome Horn

  1. vishal4u says:

    Yup I see the face too. Lovely snaps.


  2. Pat says:

    Faces and, if you look at it a little differently, a butterfly in gold and silver. I think I’d like Nymans, but I’m on the wrong side of the pond. 🙂


  3. oneowner says:

    I can see the face! Very clever! The only horn I have is in my car.


  4. paula graham says:

    Indeed , I can see the face! Interesting effects.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Paula. Move a step and the reflections change. When I first saw these sculptures I thought they might be fore sale, but it appears not – they are a fixture. I must ask someone who the sculptor is.


  5. bazz_linser says:

    Yes, I see somebody with a widely stretched mouth and in a long party hat 🙂


  6. shoreacres says:

    The reflections are beautiful. At first, I saw a river curving through the image; although how a river could be vertical soon became a question. After reading your text, I did see the faces (two, at least), but I’m glad I still can see the river.

    Is that a “green and pleasant” roof I see in the background? If so, Blake would love it.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Linda. It is the curves of these sculptures that makes them so photogenic. Like cloud watching we all see different things. And, yes, that is a roof in the background – suitably muted and in shadow. One of the challenges I have faced in capturing these ‘Horns’ is to find backgrounds that do not compete with the subject for attention.


  7. Dina says:

    Oh yes, the face is quite clear with lovely reflections. Have a wonderful Sunday, Andy.
    Greetings from much too warm Norway.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks you Dina. An abrupt change of the weather over here in the UK now. The cold is gone and it is wet, mild and likely to get windy as the week progresses. I think I prefer Cold.


  8. Poppy says:

    Once seen it can’t be unseen Andy ! It’s fascinating and surely… yes a sculpture to make one stop stare .. and capture . Lovely .


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Poppy. These are slightly bizarre objects but every time I arrive at this spot (and it’s unavoidable on the way into the gardens), I am attracted to these objects like a moth to a light.


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