On the Beach

_ds85368Back to the beach again today. We are progressively getting familiar with the variety of beaches within easy reach of where we now live. A Tide Table app on iPhone enables us to schedule visits for when the tide is out and we are discovering that some beaches are more sandy than others.

This was taken on the east side of Worthing pier where the beach is a little disappointing. But I am finding that it is not necessarily what the beach itself is like, but the people on the beach that make the pictures.

A long lens – handheld at 375mm – at a fast shutter speed, produced this image. A family group enjoying the fun of a day on the beach at the water’s edge as the summer season draws to a close.

Click on the image to see a higher quality enlargement.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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17 Responses to On the Beach

  1. Sue says:

    And with the backlight, a great little image, Andy!


  2. Chillbrook says:

    I love the movement in the characters on the beach Andy. The children especially. You can just see how much fun they’re having. A wonderful image and a great crop.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks Adrian. I shot three images in a short space of time and this was the best of the three – just waited for each figure to be separate from the others. They lined up quite nicely.


  3. All the figures are in interesting poses. How did you choreograph that?!


    • LensScaper says:

      The answer is good fortune, Linda. I saw this family grouping and managed to catch them ‘separated’. So often the figures get jumbled together, so getting the shot of them strung out was very welcome.


  4. hmunro says:

    I love this image! The textures and composition are gorgeous, Andy. And I love how solid the humans look, with their hard silhouettes against the ripples of the sand and the water — although the sand and water will outlast us in the end, won’t they. Beautifully done.


  5. paula graham says:

    You did find yourself an obliging crowd! Striking photo.


  6. Terrific image. I love the way the family is lined up and silhouetted.


  7. Louise says:

    A great dynamic little family silhouette Andy . With playful silhouetted gestures and impromptu swinging of laden sand buckets frozen for all time it’s a lovely capture !


  8. wepaythemax says:

    Marvelous click Andy.


  9. shoreacres says:

    The solidity of the figures does play off against the sparkling water beautifully. This is one of the best family-at-the-beach photos I’ve ever seen, focusing as it does on the family, rather than on the beach.


    • LensScaper says:

      That’s very kind of you, Linda. Thank you. I’ve been shooting shots like this at every beach I’ve been to since we moved down this way last autumn and this is the best yet (you don’t get to see all the duds)!


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