Face the Wall

There are many features in the everyday world that we walk straight past without a second glance. Walls are one of those items that it is so easy to ignore. A wall is a wall – it divides, it supports, it protects. Walls are utilitarian. Not always. Sometimes they are more than that._DS79175

Take this bit of wall that I found at Kenilworth Castle. A place that is definitely worth a visit. The walls are of Cotswold stone – a mellow stone. This was the back wall of the café situated in one of the outbuildings in the castle grounds, built no doubt some long time ago. My eyes picked out this little detail. Much of the wall was laid in courses, as walls usually are, but not this small fragment. A bit of artistic licence by the Stone Mason? Maybe there was a debate: ‘what shall we do with this odd-shaped bit of stone’? Whatever the reason, it adds interest, it’s a feature. So easily missed.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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18 Responses to Face the Wall

  1. Sue says:

    Well spotted! I revisited Kenilworth a couple of years ago, after circa 40 years….great place


  2. seekraz says:

    Yes, well-spotted, indeed. I wonder if you would have noticed it if you didn’t have your camera in hand.


    • LensScaper says:

      That’s an interesting observation, Scott. Undoubtedly having a camera in hand has a direct effect on my awareness. But also what I am increasingly noticing is that my awareness is permanently heightened whether or not I am carrying a camera. ‘Seeing’ is becoming a constant state of mind


  3. smackedpentax says:

    Great shot Andy – and well spotted. 🙂


  4. Good for you for spotting (and recording) the anomaly.


  5. Great eye to see a composition in this scene. 🙂


  6. shoreacres says:

    One of the things I loved about the Flint Hills of Kansas, and love about the Texas Hill Country is the abundance of rock buildings and fences. I have a few photos from Kansas I ought to do something with.

    All of the work in both states is interesting, particularly since most of it didn’t use mortar, but depending on close-fitting of the stones. One little tidbit I came across puts Kenilworth in a different light:

    “Roy Bedichek, in his 1947 book “Adventures with a Texas Naturalist,” estimated the stone fences on his place in Hays County weighed “not less than a ton per linear yard.” The rule of thumb passed down to the present is that it took one man one day to build three feet of fence three feet high. That three-feet-a-day pace involved not only the relatively mindless toil of finding, digging up, lifting and hauling suitable rocks but the more cerebral activity of sorting and stacking them just so.”

    It is an art, and you’ve captured it beautifully.


    • LensScaper says:

      We sometimes like to think that Dry Stone Walling is a UK phenomenon, but clearly it isn’t – the type of rock employed varies from country to country but in all cases it’s a three dimensional jigsaw of working out how each piece of stone can be used to lock the wall solidly in place. Whether there was mortar of some sort employed here, or not, is something I’m not entirely sure about but one has to admire the skill in knitting those pieces together.


  7. Chillbrook says:

    Wonderfully observed Andy! I’m not terribly good at this sort of thing.. I miss an awful lot from the intimate landscape having my eyes focused for the most part, on the big picture.


    • LensScaper says:

      Thank Adrian. It can be difficult to tune your eye to switch from the wide expanses of landscape to the small fragments. The change is more easily made if you have reason to wander round more constrained places like towns and cities where the long view doesn’t exist – but that requires a lot of leg work. Carrying a camera in hand is another way: the physical act of ‘camera in hand’ seems to send signals to the brain: ‘look for a picture’


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