Columns and Panes

Light is everything – it’s light that makes photography possible. And when the light is shining bright the facades of the buildings on the streets of London come alive.

I was walking back along the Euston Road. It was a glorious blue-sky day and the north facing facades of the buildings on the south side of the road were reflecting buildings to the north of the road with extraordinary clarity. With each step the image changed. One minute it was blue sky, the next an impressionistic interpretation of a building. I took a considerable number of images from which I have selected the minimalist one you see below.


About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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20 Responses to Columns and Panes

  1. oneowner says:

    Of all the archetectural photos, the graphic, detailed ones are my favorite. You have a keen eye for it.


  2. Val says:

    Love this!


  3. Euston Road right? Like what they’re doing with that place. It was quite an ugly building before but the glass panels have really spruced it up!


  4. Chillbrook says:

    Wonderfully geometric and how cool it is with those reflections. Another one for Hawkeye that’s for sure! 🙂


  5. suej says:

    Fantastic! I love minimalistic images, and this is exactly that! Focussing in on the detail can come up with some great images


  6. smackedpentax says:

    Great shot Andy – that light post just breaks up the lines perfectly!


    • LensScaper says:

      Thanks James. I was aware that two yellow panes and two blue panes would not work really, there needed to be something to break up that too obvious symmetry. Lamp posts sometimes come in useful.


  7. Meanderer says:

    Wonderful, Andy. You have a great eye for these types of images.


  8. Len says:

    Super minimalist composition Andy. You are so right about the light. Someday, I will stay in one location and shoot a composition every half hour from sunrise to sunset to show how the light is indeed everything.


  9. shoreacres says:

    You’re right about the lamppost. Without it, the symmetry would have been far less interesting. It reminds me of your recent laundry photo. There, the vibrant color of the laundry itself set off the curves, beautifully. It really is the details that matter, isn’t it?


    • LensScaper says:

      It’s the detail, and the contrast in colour, or shape, and sometimes the way a simple symbol like the lamppost creates a convenient fulls top to the image. Thanks Linda, as always.


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