A Play on Words

I caught sight of this rubbish bin a few weeks ago just round the corner from the Photographer’s Gallery in London.

It is said that all publicity is good publicity, or to put it another way (in a phrase that has been credited to the American showman, Phineas T Barnum): ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’.

And so, here I am happily publicising this company whose clever Strap Line, or Tag Line is ‘Our Business is Rubbish’. It certainly caught my attention.

About LensScaper

Hi - I'm a UK-based photographer who started out 45+ years ago as a lover of landscapes, inspired by my love of outdoor pursuits: skiing, walking and climbing. Now retired, I seldom leave home without a camera and I find images in unexpected places and from different genres. I work on the premise that Photography is Art and that creativity is dependent on the cultivation of 'A Seeing Eye'.
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15 Responses to A Play on Words

  1. Len says:

    Love the patterns and color contrast on this Andy. That is a creative slogan.


  2. ken bello says:

    It may look like rubbish but it smells like money. I do like a good tag line like this and the photo has some interesting graphics as well.


  3. seekraz says:

    We have an area up here in our mountains near Alta, Utah, called “Albion Basin….” So this is an Albion bucket or dumpster…something like a waste-basin…at a little stretch…. 😉


  4. munchow says:

    It’s a great tag line for a company. It makes you stop and think – which is exactly what we photographs want to achieve, too, isn’t it? The picture speaks for itself. Graphically I like the horizontal stripes from the closed gate, repeated with broader stripes on the garbage container itself.


  5. Great catch, I love the business tagline


  6. Marcie says:

    Too funny! I guess it could be read any and either way. It does make me wonder what goes thru people’s minds…:-)!


  7. What a funny but very effective tagline. These folks are smart marketers. I have never seen a pinkish container for trash / rubbish. Clearly designed to stand out.

    Great shot, Andy.


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